Chapter 1. Command Line Options

Configuring the FMSLogo shortcut
Invoking and Exiting FMSLogo

FMSLogo supports the following command-line options:

-W width

The -W option sets the width of the drawing surface to width pixels. Be aware that the larger you set this the more memory is required. The default is 1000.

For example, the following command starts FMSLogo with a drawing surface that's 2000 x 2000 pixels:

fmslogo.exe -W 2000 -H 2000

If the -F command-line option is given in addition to -W, then the width of the drawing surface is reduced to fit within the dimensions of the display.

Your Logo programs can get the width of the drawing surface by running ITEM 3 MACHINE.

-H height

The -H option sets the height of your drawing surface to height pixels. Be aware that the larger you set this the more memory is required. The default is 1000.

For example, the following command starts FMSLogo with a drawing surface that's 2000 x 2000 pixels:

fmslogo.exe -W 2000 -H 2000

If the -F command-line option is given in addition to -H, then the height of the drawing surface is reduced to fit within the dimensions of the display.

Your Logo programs can get the width of the drawing surface by running ITEM 4 MACHINE.


The -F option tells FMSLogo not to use scrollbars on the screen window ("F" stands for "fixed-size"). If this option is not given, then scrollbars are used, as needed. If you use this option without using -H or -W, then FMSLogo automatically calculates a drawing surface fit your full screen.

FULLSCREEN, SPLITSCREEN, and TEXTSCREEN do not change the dimensions of the screen window when FMSLogo is started in fixed-size mode.

Your Logo programs can get the width and height of the screen window by running ITEM 14 MACHINE and ITEM 15 MACHINE, respectively. Similarly, ITEM 3 MACHINE and ITEM 4 MACHINE output the width and height of the drawing surface.

The following example starts FMSLogo with a drawing surface that has the same size as your display:

fmslogo.exe -F

The following example starts FMSLogo with a drawing surface that's 400 x 200 pixels and never has scrollbars on the screen window, no matter how small it is:

fmslogo.exe -F -W 400 -H 200


The -P option tells FMSLogo to start in PERSPECTIVE mode.

For example:

fmslogo.exe -P


The -E option enables "Expert" mode.

In "Expert" mode the following occurs:

POS and POSXYZ do not "round" their output and you may see positions such as [0 -1.0e-12]. This is due to "normal" floating point errors. Rounding POS serves no purpose other than to make the POS look good. But in some applications this rounding can introduce errors if you save and restore the position. In other words, SETPOS POS has no side effect (does not round) in "Expert" mode.

FMSLogo allows multiple edit sessions. Multiple edit sessions can lead to unexpected behavior if you don't understand how FMSLogo manages the workspace. If procedures are lost or have unexpected changes then you should not be using expert mode.

FMSLogo allows you to save directly to the workspace. Saving directly to workspace can lead to unexpected behavior if you don't understand how FMSLogo manages the workspace. If procedures are lost or change unexpectedly then you should not be using expert mode.


fmslogo.exe -E

-L filename1 [filename2] ...

The -L option tells FMSLogo to LOAD one or more files when it starts. These files are loaded before the interpreter starts reading commands from the commander. If you load a file that runs a program that includes a BYE instruction, FMSLogo runs that program and exits. You can therefore write stand-alone programs in FMSLogo and run them as new shortcuts. Note, the "-L" switch must follow any other switches.

The following example will LOAD the program that's in myprogram.lgo.

fmslogo.exe -L myprogram.lgo Logo